Monday, October 21, 2019

Forgotten post!

I have been having a little fun with the bondaweb
I decided to make a cushion to match the Hungry caterpillar I made for Rebecca

It´s 18", but I only had a pillow for 14", but you get the gist
I shall buy the correct size when I give it to her.

I purchased some fabric on the theme and sent it to Rebecca so she could bring it when she came over
So this is the back

I also made a couple of burp cloths using 100% cotton yarn
along with some using brushed cotton

They are in here!
Silly me I forgot to photograph them, so will do when they are opened

My order from Deramores arrived, so I now have a little stash to work with

This was supposed to be a post from 30th September! But I forgot to finish or post it
Then I was off on my travels, thought I may a well post it now then do a follow up!



  1. lovely cushion and you are clearly having fun preparing.... pretty yarn..

  2. What a lovely cushion. You'll be all set now with that stash of yarn, I'm looking forward to seeing what you make.

    1. Thanks Jo, Rebecca has found a babygro with the caterpillar on it, so it goes quite nicely. I have started a little cardi and a sleeveless top and also a larger blanket as its easy to do without too much concentration xcx

  3. Dear Chrissie
    The cushion looks great - I am sure she'll be thrilled. It's always exciting to get new crafting stuff!
    Best wishes

  4. Thank you Ellie, I haven´t done much machine work for ages so it was a nice change to make it xcx

  5. I love that cushion, it looks great. Love your yarn and look forward to seeing what you make with it.

    1. Thank you, the book etc never seems to date so its been lovely to make my own version of it. xcx

  6. That is such a lovely cushion …

    All the best Jan
