Monday, December 30, 2013


I do hope everyone had a lovely time over Christmas, thank you so much for your lovely comments, I confess I have not been on blogland and have only just seen them, so I apologise for not replying.

We did our best over Christmas, and we all tried very hard to push away the black cloud hanging over us. Just before Christmas Rebecca had the results of the PET scan and it was devastating news - we were told they had found a 'mass' in her groin of 3cm.  The floor opened up and we just sat there dumbstruck, talk about daja vu, almost to the day two years ago.

Stunned as we were, we took in the information given but being 'most unusual' and 'we are surprised too' didn't really help.  Rebecca has to go for a biopsy on the 2nd Jan, we then have to wait at least a week before we get those results.  The waiting is the worst, you can deal with the process as your mind has something positive to grasp, but the waiting allows unwanted thoughts and what ifs to penetrate.  Rebecca has been so brave, pushing everything away on the surface but like ducks, paddling like fury under the water. Poor love has even opted out from various invitations as she didn't want to put on a face, quite unerstandable

So I think we shall postpone new year for a bit and approach each day as it comes, putting into place lots of positivity, inner healing, good  thoughts and vibes and giving all the love and support to each other as we wait.

I do have a few photos that need processing, probably completely out of sync with timing but hey never mind, be back soon to share.
Take care xx


  1. Oh Chrissie, I am so heartsore for you.. I can just imagine what a thud that is.... your walk in this process is not yet over .... Rebecca has shown her strength of spirit and you are all amazingly supportive.... your friends from far away are holding your hand.... take care and lots of love - take one step at a time, one day at a time.... Hugz

    1. Thank you so much Fiona, yes one step/day at a time, as you know two years ago I sort of just disappeared not knowing how or what to say, but you have all been so supportive since I returned and I really appreciate all your love and wishes xx

  2. Chrissie, I am so sorry that you and your family and most of all Rebecca are having to go through this. I am praying for you all, especially of course Rebecca, for a good outcome. Do let us know how things go as and when you are able to. Take care in the meantime, and know that we in blogland are thinking of you. All my love and hugs. xx

    1. I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers Amy. thank you so much, its so nice to have such lovely friends in blogland xx

  3. Dear Chrissie
    So very sorry to hear this having been through a similar situation I can say with all sincerity I do feel for you and your family during these difficult times. xx Amanda

    1. Thanks Amanda, positivity is the key, we have to look for that no matter how small each day xx

  4. My heart sank too when I read this, Chrissie. I am thinking of you all and sending positive thoughts your way. Not a good start to the new year and having to wait is beyond my imagination. Strength for your family. Axxx

    1. Thank you Annie, you're right not the best of starts but we will deal with whatever comes our way, simply because there is no alternative.xx

  5. Hi Chrissy, just checking in to see how you are and if you have had any news? Hope that you are OK. Still sending love and prayers. xx

    1. How sweet of you:-) unfortunately in this case
      no news is bad news, I have been deliberating about a post, perhaps I should just do it! Xcx

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