Sometimes it's the simplist things that give lots of pleasure - Do you know what I have just had for breakfast? no of course not, well it was a beautiful soft boiled egg with soldiers.........perhaps nothing out of the ordinary, but for me it was such a delight that I haven't been able to have for years. You see I have been intolerant of eggs for years and just recently started to try them again, very slowly and fingers crossed as long as I don't over do them, it seems to be ok.
Yesterday I was very good and wrote a post, including photos and just when I was nearing the end, you've guessed the computer crashed ggrrrrr...........
I was helping out at the Cancer Care boutique again, date culling and sorting out the craft supplies to give me some ideas for the craft taster afternoon. I also spotted two new pairs of sandals, a nice long floaty skirt and a fancy cardi and just had to bring them home with me............Having gone through the materials I thought of doing fragrant shoe stuffers, fabric flowers for either hair or brooches, sashico mug rugs, perhaps a simple hardanger, then the creative juices slipped so I shall have to think of perhaps one more, hopefully these could all be done within the two hour time frame.
Last week I took in one of my little knitted rabbits and yesterday one of the ladies asked me for the pattern as she had felt inspired to pick up her needles again. Isn't that great! so lovely to keep all these crafts alive.
Several years ago I planted a few sage plants and I know that they should have been thinned but when they produce a wonderful display of flowers like this, I really don't want to disturb them
the photo doesn't do the flowers justice, they are much darker, a very vibrant purple |
The Valerian is a bit of a pain as it grows in any nook, cranny and crack and is so hard to get rid of, but it does give a pretty splash of pink
We have revamped an overgrown bed where the roses had gone to briar, the geranium has certainly taken advantage by spreading its roots
This pretty little rose is rather out of sight being where the washing line and the satalite dish are, so I don't mind cutting some of its blooms to bring inside where we can enjoy them
I also wanted to thank everyone for your get well wishes for Rebecca - she is feeling better, it just takes her longer to recovery these days.
Off to play in the craft room..........
take care