Thursday, January 11, 2018


No, we haven´t been travelling
I know its been over for a while, but I thought I would share our continuing Christmas pressie
Rebecca and Antoni woke us on our fun day with a lovely cuppa and two pressies.
They were very heavy, bulky, knobbly and long
Have you guessed yet?
Tad dah
We trimmed the ends and put them in water, which seemed to have extended their life
so we can pick what we want.
Good job we like brussels

Chris enjoys capturing the sunsets, he puts out several cameras, some on a time lapse and gets some lovely results. This one is taken in the other direction looking south towards Altea.
He selected his best shots from the vicinity including our popular restaurant and turned them into postcards, which seem to go down very well with all the visitors. 

As Antoni returned to the Uk at the weekend, Rebecca has stayed here for a couple of days, which has been really lovely. Catching up, doing hair, taking me to hospital for results of the Well Women checks, (all fine!) and even going out to lunch. All very enjoyable.
Today it´s her turn for hair treatments, she mixes a dye of cyclamen and purple which I apply for her, it looks really good when done, with the majority of her hair having a purple hue and the bleached panel, vibrant.
So had better go and get to it.
Take care


  1. beautiful sunset and lucky for both you and Rebecca to have some pamper time.... No the brussels... I have bad memories but I'm sure your lovely fresh ones are a lot nicer than my bitter boarding school ones were....

  2. I love sprouts but I don't have them very often because the rest of the family won't eat them. I insist on having them on my Christmas dinner though. How lovely having a little one on one time with Rebecca, it's such fun doing girly things together.

    1. We like them finely sliced and stir fried, adding bacon and onions etc, rings in the changes. Its nice to have something you like, worth the effort. We can be together all day and still chat on the phone in the evening lol xcx

  3. Hi Fiona, I replied to your comment when we lost connection and now it refuses to let me, grrr. Anyway, I think school meals have a lot to answer for !!! I only like fresh ones, frozen ones go mushy Yuk! Really enjoy our time together. xcx
