Thursday, March 24, 2022

Bugs bunting

Thank goodness, we have a lull from the constant rain, been here nearly 15 years and have never seen it rain so hard for so long. Clean up is going to be fun, Not! They are forecasting more to come so will have to wait a bit. We have been immersed in low cloud for the last 4 days, could hardly see outside the gate, can actually see into the valley today. 

Poor Theo has picked up yet another cold, cough from nursery and Rebecca has succumbed too, so they have stayed away. So missed their visit, stop over, made us smile as it´s only been a week and we are already feeling it, comparing it to the months and months of separation before.

I dusted off my Bernina only for it to tell me it wanted a clean and some oil, that done, I then found that a fault must have happened to the foot pedal or controller, as the only speed it would go was slow or slower. I persevered as it was only simple, straight stitching and finished the task. Obviously needs a service, which can wait till the weather improves.

I made some bunting for Theo above his bed, measured the wall, calculated width and space between, I was so pleased the maths worked out, perfecto. Except I forgot about the baby monitor/camera, oh well it adds a little decoration and with the panels having bugs and animals on them, it will be a good talking point and for story making at quiet times. I also bought him a book on bugs so that will tie in nicely.

 A little knitting done, not much else really, just trying to keep warm to ward of the aches.

The furries have ventured outside for a mooch, they have not appreciated being cooped up inside, Monster in particular, as he went about bemoaning his lot at the top of his voice, the others mainly found a soft, comfortable spot to curl up in.

A few chores beckon, really need to put a wash load on, but it will have to be dried inside, and that kitchen floor is screaming out to be moped.

Enjoy your day

take care




  1. The bunting is lovely, I'm sure Theo will love that. I'm sorry to hear that the weather hasn't improved much, we're having a bit of a heatwave here at the moment and for once, Mick's timed it right as he's booked this week off work.

    1. That sounds great, you visit some lovely places which will be very enjoyable with kind weather. Enjoy your week xcx

  2. The bunting looks lovely - I'm sure it will be very popular! I hope the rain will ease off soon.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks, Theo enjoyed identifying the bugs.xcx

  3. Persistent rain is hard work isn't it, I do hope it passes on to elsewhere soon. The bunting is lovely I hope Theo enjoys it and he and mum feel better soon.

    1. 3 weeks of it, constant drumming getting annoying lol, they are oin the mend, unfortunately it transpired that Rebecca had bronchitis xcx

  4. The rain has moved from us to you.... hope no damage. I love the bugs bunting you have made...

    1. Fed up of the damp and wet, no actual damage only that the lounge is below the level of the top garden, so with seepage it comes through the stone wall feature, like an indoor mini waterfall, then goes through a drainage hole at the bottom. Whoever reformed the place obviously knew it would happen. xcx

  5. Quite unusual how this miserable windy wet weather is lasting as it has been over a week now. I know Alicante needs water but it must have plenty by now so that storm could really clear off somewhere else. When I used to give classes to the 4 to 5 yrs old I was always catching colds. There was always a little one with a cold at this time of the year. Hope Theo gets better soon. Take care. Amanda x

  6. We´ve had 3 weeks of it, yes everything needed it, but enough now. The mint and chives have all grown about 6 inches already. Yes I used to dread September school returns, always a gastric bug went round xcx
