Thursday, March 17, 2022


 We escaped relatively lightly from the Sahara sand storm. The sky turned a very errie orange, that in turn made everything glow orange. We were expecting red rain, then a massive clear up, but apart from a shower we were lucky, but today it´s a deluge, clean rain but oh so soggy.

 Photo from my phone which doesn´t do the phenomenon justice

On the positive side, I have my eye on several pot bound planters that really need to be replenished but the soil was like concrete, not any more, so a little project when it finally stops. 

All the furries have found their own little spot to avoid the rain, Thomas is in the kindling box by the fire, 3 are languishing on the outside furniture cushions in the gold/craft room, back of the sofa and chair are another spot, whoever decided to lay a white tiled kitchen floor clearly didn´t think of the cleaning especially with 32 little feet, huff.

No mojo at the moment, just a little crochet on the blanket. I did persevere with my book, Little women, it was ok once I got into it, then I realised I had bought the whole series, so the sage continues.

Had a lovely visit from Rebecca and Theo yesterday, they had borrowed our car whilst theirs had a new radiator fitted, so she brought it back and Chris dropped them down again. So lovely to be able to care  share and support now they are here instead of feeling quite frustrated at being unable to do so. We chilled, chatted, played and just enjoyed being together, Theo even tried and ate a bowl of carrot, pumpkin and coriander soup I had made for lunch, ok he was bribed by giving him a straw but as long as he was happy that was fine.

I saved the empty! box of chocolates I was given as I thought Theo might like it for his little treasures, The outside is just plain white with the bank name on it, he took it promptly and said thats Daddys bank. He is so quick, he is even correcting himself from present to past tense in his sentences. We are having to spell certain words out so he doesn´t cotton on lol

Today I tried to tackle one of the most hated jobs, cleaning the oven. It was only a half clean as I can´t get down enough to do the whole thing at the moment, but the base, door and shelves were done, really should keep on top of it more frequently, wouldn´t be such a mission then. How often have we all said that!

Right, next call, dinner....

take care



  1. I remember having to spell out words, they're like sponges soaking everything up once they get to a certain age. I hope the rain's now stopped. We've got a spell of beautiful weather just now and more forecast right through next week.

    1. Its Wednesday, bit late in replying, we are on satellite and keep losing signal, but, no it hasn´t stopped raining, the odd brief lull for half an hour then pouring again. Hope you are enjoying your nice spell xcx

  2. Cleaning the oven is my least favourite job too, like you every time I do I think I should do it more often to keep on top of it. Glad to hear that you got off lightly with the sand storms, the photo is amazing, the light looks so strange.

    1. It was a very bright orange, very errie. We are expecting another sand storm later today, it´s down by Malaga at the moment xcx
