I was very restrained and saved the next issue for the following day and thoroughly enjoyed that too. Interestingly the article about tulle mentioned John Heathcote and his invention of the bobbinette machine. The Heathcote factory is in Tiverton, Devon (UK) which was the nearest town for us whilst living at the farm. He moved his business to Tiverton after the unrest in the North with the Luddites, where many machines were destroyed, it was said that despite being offered money from the government to stay and replace his factory, he decided to move down south and start again. The leat from the river supplied the necessary water for the factory and it stands on a huge plot. It is still employing a fair number of people in the area and John Heathcote was the benefactor for numerous schools, clubs, organisations and lots of housing. Many of his bursaries continue today. He commissioned his house, now a National Trust property, situated on top of the hill overlooking the town so he could see his factory and set in wonderful grounds.

Some more goodies this week - I took advantage of the free shipping offered from Doughtys (UK) and ordered some lovely batiks
A little stitchery finished - this was the original pattern that Cheryl of Willowberry Designs kindly gave us, before we altered it to have two love birds. Lovely little pattern, just needs to be made up now.

I made one of these beaded fobs for the Wedding Planner folder and liked it so much I made myself one. As DH and I have the same model of phone it is very useful to identify mine.

Have a good weekend