Thursday, February 19, 2015

A treat

This morning I had my treat and thoroughly enjoyed it. Hubby's valentine gift to me wasn't flowers or even chocolates (can't eat them anyway!) it was one of these 

a wonderful hot stone massage
(and no its not a piccie of me lol)
Rebecca treated me to one last year whilst in Exeter, every one is different but today's was very relaxing with a mix of  stones and hands, certainly helps the fibro. Today the therapist used the stones on my feet, an area we all seem to forget about just how hard we work them. They certainly felt better afterwards.  I think I wafted out of the treatment room rather than walked, to the comments of you look very relaxed!
I really enjoyed the aromatherapy massages that Rebecca used to give, didn't mind being a guinea pig on those occasions! She had a wonderful technique, very calming and caring, such a shame she is unable to do them anymore. Maybe in time.

I have been having a play with random miniatures but the light conditions have been so dull for the last few days I haven't managed a good photo. On my to do list.
take care


  1. how wonderful..... such a great way to relax...... keep wafting!!

    1. The room was lovely and warm too, certainly went away with the fairy's xcx

  2. I am not a massage person, but the thought of the heat of the stones sounds wonderful to me! Glad that you enjoyed it and found it so relaxing. xx

  3. It was difficult to tell which were the stones or not, the work on the feet was just the right pressure to avoid the tickle factor and they are so smooth and warm, I have booked another one for next week because I had a Loreal moment lol xcx

  4. That sounds fabulous. I like the idea of the hot stones, something I've never had myself.

    1. Ooh do try if you have the opportunity, this was on a half price deal something a lot of the salons do for promotion xcx

  5. This sounds glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks Janice, a little pampering does the world of good xcx

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