Monday, February 9, 2015


There I was a few days ago saying about the almond blossom being imminent and how we were in the naya enjoying the warm sunshine.  Should have kept my thoughts to myself..... the temps have plummeted and we even had a snow storm, ok it didn´t lay here but just above us on the mountains it certainly did. It didn´t hang around long but its unseasonably cold and although the sun is shining it is struggling to reach double figures, I don´t do cold, makes the fibro worse, however the blossom is starting to appear and it´s beginning to look pretty.
I joined Ancestry a couple of years ago and have been delving into the past, I have enjoyed the fact that if I have contacted a fellow tree holder we have been able to swap stories and help each other on our way.  This week it was the other way around, someone contacted me which was lovely and they were from a branch of the family that I knew very little about, my father´s maternal side.  I knew two  great Uncles had emigrated to New Zealand and had become very wealthy businessmen, with one of them becoming Mayor of Lyttleton, (funny enough the same area hubby used to live) and a gt x 2 having a cow keeping business in Chelsea, then a pub in Essex. I didn´t know that a great x 3 was gate keeper in Hyde Park and owner of 14 cottages and land in Suffolk, or that his eldest son exhibited along side Turner and Reynolds in the Royal Acadamy. There was a sad side though as another gt x 2 uncle and his wife disappeared from the radar and left the young children in an orphanage. Still looking into that one.  My new found rellie was so sweet giving me information and it certainly filled in many gaps, feel quite enthused again.
It´s DIL´s birthday this week, so it was thinking caps on in plenty of time to make the post.  As an addition to her main present, I made a little needlecase for her, as I had noticed when staying there that she didn´t have one.

Hopefully a little bit nicer than leaving her needles in the packet

Last week I was keeping Rebecca company for her scan, she was not looking forward to it because of what happened last time when they bodged it, so I thought a little gift might help.  I made this so that I could put a little message inside, along with a opal moonstone crystal for her

The scan went ok and we returned Friday for the results, but unfortunately some of them were not available.  Why they left it so near to the consultants appointment is beyond me especially when both are like hens teeth to get.  So we are back again soon for further tests etc, hey ho......
I will leave you with this little gem, talk about busted.............

Lucy has been in Jackson´s shop and is now sporting the latest fashion in collars..... a miniature window................
take care xcx


  1. Weather changes can be so drastic... I did have a laugh at the cat! how annoying about Rebecca's appointments and their timing.... frustrating.... I do like both your lovely little stitching items...

    1. Thanks Fiona. She was certainly busted, not the usual culprit for getting into the houses at all. xcx

  2. I hope that all will be well for Rebecca, so difficult when they don't sort things out! xx

  3. Genealogy is such a great hobby and it's amazing what coincidences the past throws up, isn't it? I find people to be so generous in sharing their information, it's a great community, similar to blogging. I'm sorry to hear about Rebecca's test results, it seems to be quite common that these sort of things happen, I know it's happened on more than one occasion to my mum and dad. I hope she gets another appointment sorted out soon and that everything goes well. Love the needlecase and pretty heart pocket, they're such a beautiful colour too. I think you need to get Lucy one of those cat cams which record what your cat's up to, though I suppose the evidence is plain to see.

    1. Thanks Jo, this lady is being such a star, she has done a 2 year geneology course and seems a mind of information. Finding out some amazing facts. Lucy repeated the performance, we just stopped her from disappearing through the cat flap xcx

  4. for me this is a very very good information, because its contents make us become better know and learn more about the wide world, so it would greatly add insight for me, laneways that I say many thanks

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