This is our miniature house. DH drew the plans and after a search for materials, proceeded to build. It can be a challenge to find materials here as they don't tend to be where you would normally think. You have to think outside the box and buy when you see something.
All the roof tiles were cut and placed by hand - all 1450 of them, the walls were finished in a rough grain finish and brick. DH hand crafted all the windows and facia boards.

The house on the right is the current model under construction, the ground floor will be a shop and the first floor will be a cafe. We keep changing our minds as to the content of the shop, but as DH makes all the food it was easy to decide on a cafe.

This is our room box, it has a mixture of our own hand crafted furniture and purchased items. The pictures on the walls are miniature versions of our paintings in our lounge.

I have finished a couple more EBCC home decor gifts, this heart garland was from the pattern in my christmas crafting book.
Whilst the cushion was using up spare wool.

I think that will be it for July, now to think of goodies for August.