Sunday, May 15, 2016

Birds nest

Todays project was to take the design that has been floating around in my head and to actually commit it to fabric.  White satin, purple organza, purple stitching and embellishments. This will be a wedding ring cushion, but I ran out of purple thread so that was put on hold till I can get some more.  Luckily the shop in town stocks Anchor, hope they have the shade.

So, what next, ages ago the online yarn store I use were having a sale and out of pure interest I bought some different yarns that I would not normally purchase, just for research sake you understand! and popped them in my stash

This was one of them, a sari ribbon, recommended needle size of 8mm
It´s really pretty and is quite tactile

I untied the hank and looped it over a chair back, then proceeded to experiment, after a couple of attempts I decided what I might like to make with it and gaily began knitting away. I like the way the ribbon twists and with the gentle colour change and silver running through it was looking good. The ribbon was falling from the hank nicely, then disaster struck.........
This is what happened
A complete and utter birds nest, as you can see I had already unravelled quite a lot before the photo, but I did have a little helper who I have to say was more of a hindrance than help lol

What a waste of a couple of hours potential knitting, oh well, all sorted now. Note to self wind into a ball first!
What do all you other knitters out there do with your hanks?

I did finish off another WIP before starting this, but forgot to take a photo so I´ll leave that for another day.
take care



  1. I always wind skeins in to balls before I begin knitting with them, though I've never used anything like that sari ribbon before, it looks lovely. Your helper is very cute.

    1. I learnt my lesson and did as you suggested and wound the other skein into a ball, much better! My little helper is Thomas, he is as you say a real cutie, he adopted us, straight off the campo and the nicest cat you can imagine, more like a dog actually in his mannerisms. His coat is so soft and he is really laid back and loves cuddles. xcx

  2. Yes, I always wind skeins into balls! Much safer for me. Hope that you get it untangled because it looks very pretty!!

    1. Yes I did after a couple of hours, did wind the next one up and it was much better. I thought being so wide that it would behave, obviously not! xcx

  3. the sari ribbon yarn is beautiful.... I'm afraid I have never bought a hank....

    1. Hi Fiona, it is really pretty, I had never heard of it so couldn´t resist when it was on offer. I am winging the design, just hope it comes out as I see it xcx
