Friday, August 2, 2019

Busy weekend

On our last trip to the UK we managed to go to the cinema to see Rocket Man which we both enjoyed so when Chris heard of the film Yesterday, he really wanted to see it.
We thought we would have to wait until it came out on DVD blueray, but we found out it was being shown for a one off performance at the Casa de Cultura in Calpe.

The venue was very comfortable and it was shown in English but with Spanish sub titles,
It was really funny as we both found ourselves reading the sub titles as well as listening.

It was a good film, although there were a couple of places in the story that were a bit weird

We were pleased to have caught it, although I think he will still get the DVD

It´s all going to kick off here in a few hours time as it is the fiesta, it seems to have come around again so fast.
3 days of partying, very late nights, the bands will not start until after the food, usually about 11pm
and some go on till 3am.
So definitely have to have some siestas to combat the sleep deprivation.

We shall be rounding up the furries soon and shutting them in, they hate it, but there are so many cars and people they could easily come to harm, especially as some of them can´t resist sneaking into buildings that are usually kept locked up.
Last weekend they were cleaning the church and I found Thomas mooching around being noisy and shooed him back home again.

Have a good weekend whatever you are doing
take care


  1. I want to see both of these films but I usually wait until they come on Sky, I rarely go to the cinema. Enjoy the fiesta, I think you're very wise to shut the cats in, they're such nosey creatures.

    1. I´m sure you will enjoy the films. Furries not happy but at least they are safe xcx

  2. Enjoy the fiesta and a good idea for a siesta !

    All the best Jan

    1. Fiesta over now! need to catch up on sleep xcx
