Thursday, December 12, 2019


Do you pick up on those ´gut feeling´vibes,
We do it all the time, I find it´s best to act rather than over think them
Well that´s what happened on Monday early evening, I just knew, so rang Rebecca and found her not very well at all and feeling rough.
I managed to persuade her to act on doctors advice of if anything changes go straight to A & E.
She was seen very quickly with no long hours of waiting and admitted.
With both their heart rates elevated, high even for her, they were hooked up to monitors where they managed to get it under control.
She had freezing shivers and hot flushes so a virus was suspected, the fact that she had recently been given a flu jab followed a week later by the triple whooping cough vaccinations, was deemed not to be the culprit!?
I´m not a medic but do have my own thoughts about that.
Antibiotics and paracetamol were given with very frequent obs.
It took 4 attempts to insert the cannula in her arm, until she asked for a more experienced person, then a scan.
They thought it might be flu, subsequently ruled out, they have been ruling out possibilities but still have no idea.
Tuesday evening her arm was terribly painful at the cannula site, upon investigation there was a raging infection going on with tracking creeping up her arm. Certainly not helping
How on earth did they manage to inflict that on her, poor hygiene or damage to the vein?
Straight onto IV antibiotics and then would you believe a bag of medicine as a precaution against sepsis, which obviously they had caused. One response to her questions over this was ´well hospitals are dangerous places´!! Fills you with confidence doesn´t it, NOT
Rebecca has been asking all along the way is this ok for baby? The monitor tracking his heart rate also has a button to press each time he moves as apparently, rather like us when we take exercise it naturally increases.
The baby, well he seems to be having a ball, with Rebecca on bed rest, he is obviously enjoying the quiet time and is unbelievably active, he is also picking up on her not so good moments by squirming even more. 
Cultures should return today so we may be more enlightened.

All very tense and scary, the site I use for flights and train times has been regularly visited, continuously updated with various scenarios. 
I can still get a flight into next week at very reasonable prices (not that, that matters)
so as Rebecca said, we wait.......

take care


  1. Dear Chrissie
    How awful for you all, but how good that you 'knew' and acted on it. I hope all will be well soon.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie, always best to respond with these vibes xcx

  2. Oh dear poor girl what a lot to be going through hope her and the baby will be ok,what a worry for you all,hope she improves quickly and they find out what the cause is.
    So glad you had a gut feeling ,it sure does pay to act on it xx

  3. What a worrying time, and I was going to say she's in the best place where they can keep an eye on her, but you've got to wonder, don't you? At least baby seems happy. Hope they can soon get to the bottom of it.

    1. It´s horrible being so far away and worrying, at least we have messenger to keep in touch xcx

  4. This is dreadful. I sincerely hope that things are improving for Rebecca. Three cheers to you for listening to your intuition. Very best wishes.x

    1. Unfortunately the tests returned meaning at least 12 more days stay in hospital. Being in tune really works although feeling a bit helpless at the moment xcx

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, but he seems quite happy and they are not concerned at the moment xcx

  6. Worrying time ….. I do hope she feels heaps better soon and can enjoy the last bit of her pregnancy..... xx

    1. Absolutely, she is rather miffed at being in hospital instead of doing just that xcx

  7. I am so sorry to hear this. I do hope she feels better soon. Such a worry for you, holding you in my thoughts and really hope that you get some answers soon.

    1. Thank you, trouble is these cultures take a couple of days to mature, lots of breath holding xcx

  8. A worrying time … thinking of you all.

    All the best Jan
