Thursday, September 1, 2016

Flying furries

Our friends popped in the other day bringing their two labradors with them, there was a flurry of flying cats and they all decided to make themselves disappear.  Thomas decided to sprint up the almond tree in the courtyard where he sat watching and waiting - very regal

A few more ticks on the page with Chris designing, printing and assembling the confetti boxes and I have decorated the bird cage for the cards
Rebecca is collecting her dress today, so exciting

We have just had the engineer here to try to improve our network connection, its still up and down but as least we can get on again.
Better get going, after a morning of household chores there are pom poms to make
take care


  1. Awww, poor Thomas having to wait it out until the dogs were gone, he's such a gorgous puss. I've just caught up on your last post, how wonderful. Rebecca looked beautiful and I love that last photo of them both looking at each other. I can't wait to see the next lot of photos now.

    1. Thomas is a real huge softey. We took loads of photos and are having them made into an album as a present, they certainly oozed happiness. xcx

  2. Thomas looks like he found a great seat..... Glad there are ticks happening and sounds like it's all coming together...

    1. It is a large tree even though several branches have been cut, a good vantage point. Confetti boxes coming along 34 done 40 odd to do! xcx
